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Sous Vide Potato Recipes: Perfectly Cooked Potatoes Every Time

Amazing Food Made Easy Healthy Sous Vide
Amazing Food Made Easy Healthy Sous Vide from


Sous vide cooking is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves cooking food in a precisely controlled water bath, resulting in perfectly cooked and tender dishes. Potatoes are a staple in many households, and sous vide cooking is an excellent way to ensure they are cooked to perfection every time. In this article, we will explore some delicious sous vide potato recipes that are sure to impress.

Prep Time and Cook Time

The prep time for these recipes varies depending on the dish, but most take around 10-15 minutes to prepare. Cooking time will depend on the size and type of potato, but most recipes take around 90 minutes to cook sous vide.


The ingredients for these recipes are simple and easy to find at any grocery store. You will need potatoes, salt, pepper, and various seasonings depending on the recipe. Some recipes may also call for butter or oil.


To cook sous vide, you will need a sous vide machine and a large pot or container to hold the water. You will also need vacuum-sealed bags or resealable bags and a kitchen thermometer to ensure the water temperature stays constant.


1. Preheat your sous vide machine to the desired temperature. 2. Wash and peel the potatoes, if desired. Cut them into uniform pieces for even cooking. 3. Season the potatoes with salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings. 4. Place the seasoned potatoes into a vacuum-sealed bag or resealable bag. 5. Seal the bag using a vacuum sealer or the water displacement method. 6. Once the water is at the desired temperature, add the bag of potatoes to the water bath. 7. Cook the potatoes for the recommended amount of time. 8. Once cooked, remove the bag from the water bath and let it cool for a few minutes. 9. Open the bag and serve the potatoes.


- It is essential to use a kitchen thermometer to ensure that the water temperature stays constant throughout the cooking process. - For best results, use potatoes of similar size and shape. - Be sure to remove any excess air from the bag before sealing it. - You can also add butter or oil to the bag for extra flavor.

Nutrition Info

The nutrition information for these recipes will vary depending on the ingredients used. However, potatoes are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

Recipe Tips

- Try adding different seasonings to the potatoes, such as garlic, rosemary, or thyme. - For a crispy exterior, sear the potatoes in a hot pan with butter or oil after cooking sous vide. - You can also use sous vide potatoes in other dishes, such as potato salad or mashed potatoes.


Sous vide cooking is an excellent way to cook potatoes to perfection every time. These recipes are easy to make and require minimal prep time. Whether you prefer roasted potatoes or creamy mashed potatoes, there is a sous vide recipe for you. Give them a try and impress your guests with perfectly cooked potatoes every time.

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